by Jenni | Oct 31, 2018 | Latest News
When I was in elementary school my parents told me it didn’t matter what I did when I grew up, so long as it made me happy. “Happiness is the whole point of life”, my father said. “But it doesn’t always come easy. Your mother loves to help people in need, so she...
by Jenni | Oct 31, 2018 | Latest News
Once upon a time, a young man and woman met, gazed into each other’s eyes, kissed, and knew for certain that they were supposed to be together forever. In the subsequent days, weeks and months everything fell into place just as they had anticipated. He was perfect...
by Jenni | Oct 31, 2018 | Latest News
Made Him Happy I know a man who loves to knit. Blankets, quilts, sweaters… he knits them all. Knitting is his hobby, his love. He could choose another hobby—something a bit more masculine, like restoring vintage cars or hunting. But this man continues to stick...
by Jenni | Oct 31, 2018 | Latest News
Twenty years ago, I wrote an unsigned love poem to a girl I barely knew. I told Brianna, among other things, that life was a blaze of magnificence, that she made it even brighter, and that someday I would spend every day with the prettiest girl in the world. When she...
by Jenni | Oct 31, 2018 | Latest News
A Good Girl (Who Didn’t Make It) Alyssa was my best friend. She was a talented musician, a graceful gymnast, a brilliant writer, and a deeply passionate human being. She cared about people. Love bled from every facet of her being. When she spoke, her eyes were as...
by Jenni | Oct 31, 2018 | Latest News
An Epiphany Imagine for a moment the year is 2000 B.C. and you’re a fisherman living along the coast of what is now Southern Europe. Like any other morning, you’re fishing when suddenly a powerful burst of energy enters your body. It creates a tingling sensation in...